Compassion. Experience. Results.

Full-Service Family Law Legal Assistance, Including Post-Divorce Issues

When a divorce settlement is finalized and the legal proceedings are brought to a close, many people are ready to put the matter behind them. A divorce is often the culmination of several years of unhappiness and uncertainty. Having a divorce decree issued is a relief to people who are ready to move on with their lives.

However, life events sometimes dictate that arrangements that were once appropriate need to be changed. At the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner, we know that family law matters are often ongoing issues that may need to be addressed after divorce. Having an experienced attorney on your side can help resolve issues that come up in the months and years following your divorce.

One Change Can Affect Many People

When someone’s employment is altered — because of a job loss, a pay cut or a transfer to a different location — the ripple effect can have an impact on such things as child support payments. What once was an accurate amount of monthly child support based on your previous income, may now need to be reduced due to a change in circumstances.

Likewise, an out-of-state move can lead to child custody arrangements being modified. A parent in a different state is unlikely to be able to have custody a couple of days a week because it would be unreasonably disruptive to school and work schedules. It might make more sense to have longer stretches of parenting time in the summer or during other times when school is not in session, for example.

Even if your divorce was handled originally by a different attorney, we can represent you. You may be pleasantly surprised at the individual attention and care that you’ll receive at our firm.

Contact Us Today To Discuss Your Legal Options

Based in Knoxville, the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner serves clients throughout East Tennessee. Whatever changes need to be made, our experienced family law attorney can help you get through them. Call our offices today to schedule an initial phone consultation at 865-973-9286 or email us your contact information.