Make Sure You Get The Spousal Support You Need
Last updated on July 8, 2024
Spousal support – also known as alimony – is essential to many people moving forward after a divorce. Spouses who have been out of the workforce for many years or have never been in the workforce could find themselves without a sufficient income. Spousal support provides those people with the means to continue a reasonable standard of living or may provide for career training or other transitions to self-sufficiency.
At the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner, our legal team can assist you with obtaining the spousal support you are entitled to. In addition, we thoroughly explain the process so you can understand what your rights are relating to spousal support.
You May Have Just One Chance To Claim Spousal Support
Because divorce is a traumatic event for many people, the temptation is often to sign a divorce decree without really understanding what is in it, just for the sake of being done with the process. While some post-divorce modifications are possible, if you decline spousal support at first, you will not have a chance to receive it later on.
Before you make any decisions that could greatly impact your long-term financial health, consult our attorney. She brings more than 30 years of experience to each case and client. She will work tirelessly to help you come to an agreement you are satisfied with, both in the short term and in the long term.
Discuss Your Divorce Needs During An Initial Consultation
Call our Knoxville office today to set up an initial phone consultation about your case. You can reach us at 865-973-9286 or online via our contact form. We serve clients throughout East Tennessee.