Compassion. Experience. Results.

Consult A Family Law Attorney Regarding Tennessee Restraining Orders And Orders Of Protection

When relationships cross a line into danger or violence – or even the threat of danger or violence – swift action must be taken in order to keep the most vulnerable people safe. At the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner, we help Tennessee residents obtain orders of protection and restraining orders in order to keep themselves and their families safe. While the names of restraining orders and orders of protection are similar, their purposes and the processes for obtaining them are slightly different. It can be very helpful to consult an attorney when understanding and exercising your options.

Domestic violence has no place in our society. Due to a desire to prevent serious incidents from occurring, judges usually err on the side of caution when issuing such orders. However, it is incumbent on the person seeking protection to request it. That’s when the experience and compassion of a family law attorney like Lisa Collins Werner come into play. She truly cares about our firm’s clients, and she and the rest of our team will work tirelessly to assist you to make sure your needs are met and that you and your children obtain the protection you need.

Time Is Of The Essence – Contact Us Today

You have a right to be safe in your home, at work and in your day-to-day life. If you are being abused or threatened, you need to protect yourself with an order of protection or a restraining order. Contact the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner immediately if you need assistance at 865-973-9286. You can also email your information to our law firm. Our practice is based in Knoxville and serves clients across East Tennessee.