Child Support In Tennessee: The Basics
Under Tennessee law, both parents are responsible for the financial support of their children. This is true regardless of whether the parents are married or not.
If you have questions about child support obligations in Tennessee, the team of dedicated legal professionals at the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner can help. Whether you are going through a divorce or were never married, our attorney can help you understand Tennessee child support laws and how they apply to you.
Tennessee Child Support Guidelines
In Tennessee, courts calculate child support obligations using a formula that considers several factors, including the combined incomes of the parents, the number of children involved, and the parenting time or custody plan in place.
While it is true that both parents are obligated to support their children, one parent will typically be responsible for paying child support to the other. In most cases, the parent who cares for the child the majority of the time – often referred to as the custodial parent – will be the one who receives support on behalf of the child. The idea behind this is that the custodial parent is already spending money on the child since he or she is taking care of the child most of the time.
Child Support Modifications And Enforcement Of Court Orders
Just because a child support order is in place or your divorce is finalized doesn’t mean issues will not surface later. For instance, if one parent is unable or refuses to make child support payments, the other parent may need to take steps to enforce the child support order and/or hold the initial parent in contempt of court.
Also, as circumstances change, child support obligations may likewise require a modification. For example, if the needs of the child change or one of the parents experiences a dramatic increase or decrease in income, a child support modification may be warranted. However, every situation is different, which is why it is best to always speak with an experienced child support lawyer.
Get Started With An Initial Consultation At Our Knoxville Office
Contact the Law Office of Lisa Collins Werner today for an initial phone consultation. You can email us online or call us at 865-973-9286. We represent clients throughout the Knoxville area, including those in Farragut and Sequoyah Hills.