After a divorce, Tennessee parents must still work together to raise their children. How they work together could be spelled out in a parenting plan, and the best plans tend to be created when both parents are engaged in the process of making them. The needs of the child will heavily influence how the plan is created. Younger children tend to need more stability and may rely more on one parent for care.
However, it’s also important for the noncustodial ex to have regular access to a baby or young child. This helps the child create a strong bond with both parents, which will be necessary for his or her development. As children get older, it may be necessary for parents to be flexible as to when they see them. Teenagers may have jobs, extracurricular activities or other obligations that may not fit neatly into a consistent schedule.
In some cases, children may grow to become more independent after a divorce as they try to make sense of their family situation. Therefore, parents need to recognize this when attempting to create a parenting plan that works. However, parenting schedules can be as flexible as parents and children want or need them to be regardless of a child’s age.
There is a strong chance that parenting time will be an important issue in a divorce proceeding. Individuals who are seeking custody or visitation rights to their children may want to hire legal assistance. This could make it easier to create a strategy to convince a judge to grant those rights. Parents may maximize their chances of being in their children’s lives by getting a steady job or completing a rehab program.