The announcement of an engagement represents an exciting event for Tennessee couples. These feelings could make you feel uncomfortable about suggesting a prenuptial agreement, but many people have practical reasons that motivate them to negotiate the terms of a divorce in advance. Although you feel optimistic about your future, taking steps now could prevent prolonged disputes in the event that your marriage does not work out.
People who have children from previous relationships often use a prenuptial agreement to ensure that the division of marital assets does not have a harmful impact on those children. Business owners could also have valid concerns about how a divorce could force the distribution of business assets. With a prenuptial agreement, you could spell out how a divorce would apply to a business.
People who possess substantially more assets than their intended spouses sometimes pursue a prenuptial agreement. By shaping the terms of a divorce settlement prior to marriage, people typically prevent court battles when divorces occur. By executing an agreement, you could gain an understanding of your future financial situation if trouble strikes the relationship.
At our law office, we are familiar with the issues that arise during discussions about the possibility of a divorce. Our family law attorneys understand the sensitive emotions that these conversations could arouse. When representing people in this situation, we introduce information about legal rights and help our clients gain a big picture of their individual and shared assets and debts. Our descriptions of how a divorce could influence finances, business partners and children could allow people to make informed choices. To explore the process of planning for your needs, you are invited to read our page on prenuptial agreements.